Featured Etsy Artists Feed

pillow talk

Il_430xN.59377680 I raced to the Post Office today to find that my new acquisitions had been safely delivered. Two fabulous porcelain wall pillows by talented Etsy artist Stepanka. Each piece is hand built using slabs and an original drawing is then etched into the clay, glazed in parts and fired. Not only do I love the casual drawing style but also the various textures of matte, gloss, rough, smooth, raised and depressed. The only trouble now is deciding where to hang them...maybe I need a whole wall full!

does a crocheted lampshade turn you on?


Or perhaps a knitted Pomegranate? These exquisite creations are made using a crochet needle, fine copper wires, unique patterns, patience and a lot of talent. Today's Featured Etsy Artist is industrial designer Yael and her Etsy shop is YooLa located in Israel. Her shop's well worth a visit for YooLa's whimsical jewellery also made from copper, sterling silver and glass. Miniature pomegranates, hoops and discs are configured in a myriad of yummy colours. Art for you ears, neck or home...too beautiful to not to show off


are you talking to me?



How can you resist these wee 'Jacabob's'. From creator Kit Lane, these hand-felted critters will warm any heart. I'm informed that they love sunny afternoons, the warm glow of a computer monitor, a nice cup of hot chocolate accompanied by toast and marmite (Kit mistakingly thinks is much better than vegemite), and squidgee squeezles.

Each Jacabob, Jacabunny, Plantoid and many other 'oddjects' are made from a lovely sheep down the road named Bernice who donates her wool for their bodies. Other body parts are made from Clara the sheep who bunks with Bernice. They're made by the needle felting method which means poking and poking a lump of wool with a very sharp barbed needle until their form appears. This makes them understandaby squeemish.

Visit Kit's Etsy shop for a laugh and a giggle or just to admire her talent (her profile is a must-read). Maybe you might end up adopting a Jacobunny family of your very own.

birds of a feather

If you love birds, or just appreciate amazing creative talent, I urge you to visit Geninne's Art Store. I was so seduced by her watercolor series '20 birds' that I purchased four – I dare you to choose just one!!

Another must-see is her blog. This crafty lady is the Martha Stewart of Mexico City. Featuring stunning images of her creations that will inspire you to dust off the sewing machine, the watercolors and the Kitchen Aid


