'paint the town Ford' challenge : urban adventure
i'm loving right now: rainy days and Sundays

smart beauty : fight skin imperfections like magic and make a knitted face cloth


Pimples, oily combination skin, blackheads, clogged pores and skin imperfections are every one's nightmare. Me included (perhaps minus the pimples!). My daughter is one of those young teenagers hitting her stride into adolescence and all the skin problems that come with it

When we were sent the Garnier Pure Active 3-in-1 face wash, scrub and mask to try as part of the Garnier Challenge for Kidspot Voices of 2014 we were absolutely delighted. How perfect!

So we both embarked on a 7 day trial. Helena used it mainly as a face wash and scrub. Having never used a product like this before, she was excited by the thought of dealing with blackheads on her nose and and blemishes on her cheeks. What she loved... she firstly commented on how thick the product was and that it has a subtle fragrance. It's enriched with mineral zinc and pumice stone beads that help with dislodging impurities, leaving her skin smooth. The verdict? She felt her skin was extremely soft and had received a professional facial. That's good news for my wallet

For me? Loved it! My skin is extreeeeemly sensitive. The mere talk of using skin care products sends me into a cold sweat. Anyway, I thought I would use it as a mask and see how I would go. No reaction and left my skin soft and tingly. I'm not sure I would use it every day as a wash but once a week is perfect


You can create this face cloth too! Knitted from cotton, a classic and beautiful natural yarn that's gentle on the skin yet the moss weave pattern is nubby to help dislodge any residual scrub. It's such a pleasure to use cotton when knitting and this face cloth can be made in hours. I purchased my 10 ply wool from Morris & Sons in Sydney. Worth the effort for a little indulgence. The pattern is below....

