summer chilled tomato gazpacho soup recipe
In some strange way I'm willing Summer to return to Australia by posting a chilled tomato soup recipe in the middle of winter. We shot these images just a few weeks ago when the weather was still balmy. Right now I'm channelling my inner Senorita and walking the streets of Southern Spain with my nostrils filled with the aroma of Paella, Sangria and delicious morsels frying in olive oil, basking in the warmth of the Spanish sunshine. I can live in hope as I sit here encassed in thick woollens and jeans huddled next to the heater
If you enjoy eating fresh, then you're going to love this recipe any time of year. Made predominantly from tomatoes, it's like eating a big, exquisite vitamin pill chock full of good stuff
Summer is only a few months away and I'm not going to stop eating this yummy meal even in the colder months