I remember having a love-hate relationship with the colour yellow. My once two year old decided to create artwork in the hallway with a brilliant yellow crayon. It was oil based and near impossible to scrub off. It still reared its head when painted over albeit a little less obvious and was something that we eventually grew to love
Yellow is such a happy colour (when not in the hands of an infant). I know that's stating the obvious but perhaps we need more bright and cheery colours in our lives? If you're not into the colour en masse perhaps just simple pops of happiness will do the trick in artwork or a rug or place-mats for the table!
In this tutorial I show you have to make these fun place-mats with their own pocket to house cutlery and simply dip dye for a burst of colour
PS Don't these lemon iced Madeleine's look delicious? I'll include the recipe in a blog post soon

Here's how:
Step one Cut two pieces of heavy cotton or linen fabric 48cm x 35cm (18" x 13") and cut one 17cm x 14cm (6" x 5") for the pocket
Step two On the pocket piece, on the wrong side roll over top edge and stitch for a clean seam. Finish the left edge with a zig zag stitch and press seam
Step three Pin pocket to front of place-mat in the bottom right corner and stitch left edge of pocket ot place-mat keeping all other sides free
Step four Pin and sew right sides of place-mat together and sew around edge leaving a 8cm (4") gap on one side
Step five Trim seam and cut corners on a diagonal. Turn inside out
Step six Press seams and over-stitch. Dip dye in your colour of choice (ps...go for yellow)

Here's some inspirational yellow accent interiors to get the juices flowing. Bam! Love it!

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