{go make me} scented soy candles / diy project
"P.S. I made this" crystal wrapped headband

{go make me} pillow pet / diy project




We 'own' a deep charcoal grey terror bunny named 'Sooty'. He's cute and fluffy with super long whiskers and big black eyes that could make a grown woman all goey inside, but he's way too clever for my liking. He's not content to inhabit a state-of-the-art bunny hutch complete with tunnel, ramps and a sea-breeze. My husband often comments that he must have the freshest bunny breath around with all the parsley he consumes. No...it's written in his DNA that he must escape and we're the dumb bunnies always on the hunt to return the scoundrel to his barracks

Anyway, my daughter loves him and she's heading off to camp this week and wanted a memento of her little furry friend to keep her company at night. So I created her own 'Pillow Pet' using a photo that I took last year (and a stock photo for the other sandy coloured bunny)


Here's how
1} Take a good, clear photo of your pet or find one on the internet. Purchase Iron-on T-Shirt transfer paper and print or photocopy onto Transfer Paper. Be sure to check the printer's settings for this type of printing

2} Cut out two fabric pieces slightly larger that the Transfer Paper. Iron on the transfer and let cool completely before peeling back to reveal image

3} Pin both pieces of fabric together and trim 25cm (1 inch) to 30cm away from edge of image. With right sides together hand or machine sew around edge leaving a narrow seam and a gap at the base

4} Trim and finish seams. Cut little slits along seam being careful not to cut sewing. Carefully turn inside out

5} Stuff the bunny

6} Using a slip-stitch, sew seam

I hope you get to make your own Pillow Pet, we're off to catch a rabbit

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