sassy printable handbag card and accessories
Finally, another post! My workload has pretty hefty lately. It's been fun designing two websites and packaging for my brother's organic chocolate range. It's all very exciting with new chocolate pics to drool over to come soon...
In the meantime, here's the latest printable in my Go Make Me shop. The Sassy, ever-so-girlie printable purse. Great fun for any age as a Greeting Card or an Invitation for a Birthday, Kitchen Tea or any occasion when the girls get together. And what purse is not complete without mandatory lipstick, nail polish, compact and sunglasses?
To make life easier (and we all like that!) it's editable so you can type your own details on the bag insert. To compliment the theme I've included fun purse party favors and 2 kinds of cute gift tags, notepaper and envelope to house your card. Such fun!